Home / Executive Short Courses / College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics

The ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics programs, courses, and research opportunities are offered under our world-class Schools and innovation Institutes. We also have several on-campus centres, strategic collaborations, and partnerships.

We have an exceptional community of students, educators, scholars and researchers who embrace the breadth of the computing and engineering professions. We are a diverse and vibrant community dedicated to discovery and to making knowledge matter.

Helping individuals and organisations to navigate major societal transformations as emerging technologies scale.

Organisations around the world increasingly recognise an urgent need for the right expertise to face the challenges and complexities of the 21st century. That expertise is more than just a technical understanding of emerging technologies—it is also a critical awareness of how these technologies interact with wider cultural, social, economic, political, and ecological systems. The School of Cybernetics is bringing the transdisciplinary practice of cybernetics to the world through innovative research-informed learning experiences for industry, government, and communities.

The School of Cybernetics’ learning experience suite offers short non-award learning experiences preparing today’s leaders, creatives, and change-makers for an increasingly fast-paced technological world. From leading through the uncertainty generated by novel technologies to engaging with AI from fresh perspectives, our one-day programs enable participants to understand their role in building the better, fairer, and safer systems of the future. The learning experience provides powerful practices founded on expansive cybernetic inquiry, as well as creative fuel for reimagining technology’s role in the world.

Benefit from a unique outlook on technological systems, and come and learn with the world’s foremost futurist and technologist, Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell.