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Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to proceed MATH bridging module as planned in 2025. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.

What is the Maths Bridging Course?

MSI aims for research and educational outcomes of the highest possible quality. This is achieved by world wide collaborative research, nurturing quality students, increasing the international profile and the efficiency of the organisation whilst ensuring administration and support functions effectively.

The Bridging Course modules have been specifically designed to cover the prerequisite knowledge required to undertake the following First Year maths courses

Who should enrol in the Maths Bridging Course?

The Maths Bridging Course is highly recommended for students who plan to take one of the mathematics courses listed above as part of their degree program, but who do not feel confident with the prerequisite knowledge (either because they did not take the prerequisite course at high school, or they took the prerequisite course but do not feel in command of the material, or they took the prerequisite course quite a while ago).

The Mathematical Sciences Institute will give students access to an online diagnostic test that they should take as soon as it becomes available. The result in the diagnostic test will indicate whether or not you should take the Maths Bridging Course before enrolling in ANU Maths courses. A link to the diagnostic test website will be available by the end of November.

More Information

Further information about the ANU Maths Bridging Course can be found here.

Structure and content

The Maths Bridging Course will run each day from 10am to 3pm. The daily schedule is as follows:

  • Session 1: 10am-12pm
  • Break: 12pm-1pm
  • Session 2: 1pm-3pm

To make the most of the opportunity, students will also need to spend time studying outside of class time.

Lecture Style

The Maths Bridging Course will comprise two lectures per day, each lasting 2 hours. Each lecture may include content delivery, interactive problem solving and a quiz.