General Interest Courses

These courses are delivered face to face on ANU campus.

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Philosophy for Beginners: The Big Questions

Have you ever thought about whether you’re free, how you should behave, whether things really are as they seem, or whether it is reasonable to believe in God? See how far you can go with these and other fundamental questions in this course.

Man in black tshirt with very short hair taken from the side gesturing with his hand in front like he's thinking

Course Outline

  • Topic 1: The big questions and how philosophy handles them
  • Topic 2: Questions and answers from the classical world
  • Topic 3: The existence of God
  • Topic 4: Are we free?
  • Topic 5: The mind-body problem
  • Topic 6: Knowledge and the self
  • Topic 7: Existence and the self
  • Topic 8: Ethical questions

Learning Outcomes

This course is open to anyone with an interest in learning more about philosophy.

What our students say:

“This course was brilliant and I’d happily enrol for others on the same subjects or indeed other areas of interest.”
“This course gave me a great insight (as a beginner) to Philosophy. The course material and class discussion was something to look forward to each week, and then to contemplate before the next session.”
“This was a wonderful course and my teacher was extremely knowledgeable and informative. I really looked forward to it each week and learned a great deal.”
“The big questions remain big questions. I did enjoy the challenge in regards to thinking beyond what we already know. And in terms of what we don’t know. ..well let’s just say I am comfortable in knowing that I will die wondering.”